The changing weather and the disastrous effects that it has had on the UKâs flood defences has opened up a gap for an innovative engineering company to provide a solution which can offer lasting relief from the potential damage that can be caused by water.
We are very hopeful that we will be able to play a pivotal role in this project (check back with us soon for further information…..).
How Can We Help?
Wallbarnâs range of geoxtextile fabrics available from Wallbarn can be supplied in a variety of different materials and densities ensuring that they are absolutely ideal for many different uses including protection, filtration and highly effective drainage.
Because these non woven fabrics are permeable membranes, they allow water to pass through but hold the particles in place. This means that the soil will not become saturated, thereby improving the strength and stability of the ground and offering a highly effective solution designed to combat the increased threat posed by significant rain fall.
Suitable For Groundworks
Geotextiles are extremely useful to help improve the condition of groundworks before starting construction. They are used extensively in road and rail construction and beneath concrete foundations and blinding layers. The make-up of the fabric is uniform throughout the roll, so no weak spots will be present in the layer.
Geotextiles also provide a very viable, flexible, permeable protection and cushioning layer on areas such as reservoirs and landfills. A preliminary layer can be installed to prevent soil movement and stones from piercing delicate membranes above.
Subterranean Soil Stabilisation
They are extremely effective as subterranean soil stabilisation membranes. Either covering buried pipes or lining drains, they will ensure the passage of water without risk of land slippage, greatly improving the quality of the area.
They can also be used on areas where new built-up ground is being created, such as artificial islands and reclaimed land, to prevent subsidence before the soil is fully consolidated.
These are exciting times in the engineering world!
For more information on our geotextile range please visit the following link – – or contact us and we will be happy to help.